100 HP Aluminum Props for V-4 (Pin Drive) 1966-1968

 Aluminum Propellers for 100 HP V-4 (Pin Drive) 1966-1968

Aluminum Propellers for 100 HP V-4 (Pin Drive) 1966-1968


Fits the following Evinrude Johnson Outboards

  • 100 HP  1966-1968 V-4 (Pin Drive)

Pitch is how far, in inches,  the boat would travel with one prop rotation (under ideal conditions).  Higher pitch = Faster, Lower Pitch = Slower and more power.

Aluminum 100 HP V4 Pin Drive



Part Number Link (More Info) Shop Amazon Shop eBay Recommended Use
11 OMC 382676 Amazon eBay 20-24 foot boats, Single Engine
11 Michigan 012089 Amazon eBay 20-24 foot boats, Single Engine
12 OMC 382017 Amazon eBay 20-24 foot boats, Single Engine
12 Michigan 012090 Amazon eBay 20-24 foot boats, Single Engine


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